Saturday, May 3, 2014

"Observation" from "Central Falls High School" Sample Quiz on the US Constitution...

                        The United States Constitution

                      12th Grade Social Studies – Quiz 1

Louis Culotta
Charlie Brown
Social Studies
3  Quiz 1

·         The students will read each question carefully regarding the US Constitution and then write T (true) or F (false) on the line next to the question from our constitution chapter in the book.

                (Each question is worth 20 point adding to 100 points possible)


1. __________The first 6 words of the US Constitution are “ We the people of United States”.

2.  __________Article II of the US Constitution is about the rules regarding how the President of the United States should conduct himself under the rules set in the Constitutional document.

3. __________The first 10 amendments to the constitution were ratified on December 15, 1800.

4.  _________ Rhode Island ratified the US Constitution on May 29th in 1787.

5. __________Was George Washington the first person to sign the United States Constitution.


·         Quiz total grade points: ______________________________________


(I got the quiz idea material from a Social Studies class I attended at Central Fall High School and the Constitution questions from my "Political Science Constitutional Law Book".)
Blooms Level of Taxonomy is: #2 - Comprehension (this true or false test is to see if they have learned anything from class studies on the topic of the United States Constitution.)

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