Saturday, May 3, 2014

"Observation" from "Central Falls High School" Sample Quiz on the US Constitution...

                        The United States Constitution

                      12th Grade Social Studies – Quiz 1

Louis Culotta
Charlie Brown
Social Studies
3  Quiz 1

·         The students will read each question carefully regarding the US Constitution and then write T (true) or F (false) on the line next to the question from our constitution chapter in the book.

                (Each question is worth 20 point adding to 100 points possible)


1. __________The first 6 words of the US Constitution are “ We the people of United States”.

2.  __________Article II of the US Constitution is about the rules regarding how the President of the United States should conduct himself under the rules set in the Constitutional document.

3. __________The first 10 amendments to the constitution were ratified on December 15, 1800.

4.  _________ Rhode Island ratified the US Constitution on May 29th in 1787.

5. __________Was George Washington the first person to sign the United States Constitution.


·         Quiz total grade points: ______________________________________


(I got the quiz idea material from a Social Studies class I attended at Central Fall High School and the Constitution questions from my "Political Science Constitutional Law Book".)
Blooms Level of Taxonomy is: #2 - Comprehension (this true or false test is to see if they have learned anything from class studies on the topic of the United States Constitution.)

1st Birthday "Innovation Lab" at RIC on May 3rd (RIC and CFHS) Partnership Showcase...

In todays blog,  I will show some pictures of the one year of Success between RIC and CFHS from looking at most of the "Banners of Success" programs from this school to school 1st year partnership Celebration.  Best, Lou.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

These are today's pictures from our SED 406 last class trip to C.F.H.S. on Wendesday April 30th...

  Hi, These are some pictures of some of the basic rules and reminders for the students at Central Falls High School as they walk the halls of what they were expected to do in their day to day class activities.

This was our last school trip and we learned a lot about how they do reviews of the classrooms' to make the school education settings better.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Hi, This is my "Micro Teaching II Reflections Page" from Wednesday April 23rd

Good Afternoon, This is my follow-up page section from our video micro teaching day. I think everything went OK from our groups two days of teaching this week .

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Here are Today's pictures from our SED 406 class visit to C.F.H.S. on Wendesday April 16th...


The pictures today were from some of the classrooms we went to visit and observe, as well as some of the shots of the "High School Chess Club" that has won nationwide multiple championship  awards.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Here are some new updates I found from our visit to C.F.H.S. on April 2nd

These are some of this weeks pictures of different ways to help these students of this school to do better on a day to day basis. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Hi, This is my "Micro Teaching Reflections Page" from Monday March 24th.

Good Afternoon, This is my follow-up page section from our video micro teaching day. I think everything went OK from our groups videos and looking forward to making the adjustments needed to make it even better next time. Thanks,Lou

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Here are some new pictures from our March 5th visit to Central Falls High School


These are some pictures of some of the basic rules and reminders for the students at Central Falls High School. In this visit, we learned a lot about how they break up the classes so they can deal better with the students who have trouble with following the rules and regulations. These students tend to do what they want and have trouble with being part of the classroom.

The pictures above are posted around the school to help with that issue.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

"An Observation" of spending a afternoon at "Central Falls High School" working with a Social Studies Class...

      Our SED 406 class took a bus to Central Falls High School and we talked about what to expect when we got to the school. En route to the school, I looked out the window and started to notice that we were driving into very poor areas filled with tenement houses and factories until when we pulled up to the school.
      I noticed that the school had a very old and worn look to it. We then went into a conference room of sorts and talked to the principal about the school and what classrooms we were to go to. Then two of us went to a social studies class with a veteran teacher of 22 years named Mister Scappini. He told us that as a school that has had 95 teachers quit of the 115 hired since 2010, that he lasted 22 years seemed a major accomplishment to me. 
      I saw in looking around the classroom their were a lot of signs on the walls; for instance, "always bring a pen and paper." The furniture looked kind of old and worn. Students broke off into social groups when they got to class, and the teacher started the class with asking each student to say what their favorite color and why .
     The class went surprisingly smooth and the students were participating. I also noticed that the teacher was mostly in the front of the class but also perusing around the class as some the students were starting to chit chat. As he went by, the students stopped and then paid attention again. The class moved on to other assignments from a work sheet they were given and computers were passed out to the students to research and get the answers to the worksheet while in class. Again, all the students were working on their school work.
     I would say that this part of class was the most interesting as they were all doing school work and learning. I think that I was bewildered by what I saw, because of what I thought was going to happen at this school it didn't . I thought in my slightly older mind that we were going to a school setting nothing short of a old TV show from the 1970s called "Welcome Back Kotter." The theme of the show was the things that went on in a poor inner city school.
     I think that the school is like a regular school. It had all kinds of things on the wall, including rules and regulations and events going on, school type projects and sporting, and after school and school activities that were about to happen.  The school makes me feel that I was back in High School. I didn't get the feeling I was back in my old Catholic school high, but a lot of the ascetics of the school were kind of the same.
     I looked about the school and saw that the student body was very diverse and mostly from South and Central American descent, It seemed that the minorities at this school were Whites and African Americans. In reviewing this, I looked at the class, race, gender, and disability of some of these kids, and due to their extreme poverty, the parents of these children would have them listed as ADHD just to get the $200 from the government to pay for the meds from what our teacher told us in the classroom.

My conclusion of watching these High School students and the way they dressed, is that they went out of their way to act and look "American," in an attempt to fit in and be just like everyone in an average Rhode Island high school.

PS: I have also posted picture on this page of some of the school rules on a earlier blog post.


Monday, February 10, 2014

Class Questions:
1. What do I know about Central Fall High School? I would say that I haven't heard a lot about the school over the years and know it was in a economically tough part of RI and was located in the poorest community in the state.

2. What am I expecting to see when I get to Central Falls High School? I think what I will find when I get to the school is that we will find it to be a School going through alot of changes because of the administration switches' that have happened. I think that the students will be sizing us up when they meet and start working with us on weather they have to work with us in classes over the next few months or not as a new element in their classrooms.

Monday, February 3, 2014